Life Between Sundays
If what you believe makes no difference then it makes no difference what you believe. - KICheck this page for church news items, pastoral perspectives, prayer requests and miscellaneous other “stuff”
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Romans 14 contains some relevant and useful insight as we navigate the Covid 19 journey. A surprising summation when all is said and done.
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This is an effort to stay in touch with the folks at Communtiy Life Church. We are searching for every way imaginable to continue to live in community during this time of quarntine and isolation.
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Newsletter Week of January 5, 2020
Newsletter Week of November 25, 2019
155 Strong
We enjoyed a wonderful Sunday celebration for our 155th Anniversary. A special surprise came to us from St. Paul's Anglican. They brought their congregation to share with us. This was one of the most touching things i have ever seen in ministry.
Steve Bell Concert
Steve Bell In Concert
Steve Bell will be live in concert at Community Life Church on October 12th @ 7:30pm. We are grateful and pleased to bring Steve to the Grand Manan community. He is an accomplished guitarist/musician with a message of hope for the everyday person....