Urgent Need

Thrifty’s is in desperate need of clothing for small boys (infant to size 6x). Many have been asking for these items so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Sorry …

Thrifty’s will be closed on Tuesday evening for this week only. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.

Bag Day

Everything a Bag Day at Thrifty’s tomorrow.  A garbage bag full at $10. A grocery bag with anything in it $3. Other bags at regular prices.( Adult Bag of only clothing $2 and  Children’s bag of only clothing $5 )

New Look

Don’t miss out on some brand new decorative items (pillows and wall hangings) at Thrifty’s at remarkable prices. Also , there are some great changes in displays… and more coming soon.  Open at regular hours 2-4 and 6-8 every Tuesday , 2-4 on...