CLC Ortberg

Ladies Sunday PM Group

This group meets on Sunday evenings at the home of Bonnie & Perley Green.  Currently they are using John Ortberg’s book, “The Me I Want To Be”, as a basis for their study & discussion.  All are welcome.  You’ll find the atmosphere warm, inviting and relevant whether or not you have read from Ortberg’s book.

CLC Adventures

Sunday AM Life Group

At 9:30am on Sunday mornings, Eric Allaby leads a Life Group, currently discussing “Adventures in Missing The Point” by Anthony Campolo and Brian McLaren.  This is likely one of the most edgy groups that we have and curiously enough, it is comprised mostly of Seniors.  The group is characterized by lively, respectful discussion and touches many of the “hot potatoes” of the Christian subculture.  It is not for the faint of heart but for those seeking to know more of God those willing to venture beyond the comfort zone of traditional faith understandings.


Monday AM Ladies Group

This group meets on Monday mornings, 9:30am at CLC.  It is led by the “Carolyns” (Morse and Cook).  This is a lively and energetic group with a broad demographic, from singles,  young mom’s to grandmothers.  While the basis for the study is Beth Moore’s, “Jesus, The One and Only”, ministry meets these ladies where they are.  All are welcome to attend.  For more information, email or call 662-8454.

CLC CaptivatingComing Soon

Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, to be the beauty of the story. Those desires are far more than child’s play. They are the secret to the feminine heart.

The message of Captivating is this: Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation. The desires you had as a little girl and the longings you still feel as a woman are telling you of the life God created you to live. He offers to come now as the Hero of your story, to rescue your heart and release you to live as a fully alive and feminine woman. A woman who is truly captivating.



Tuesday PM Ladies Group

This group meets on Tuesday afternoon, 1:30pm at the home of Sharron Guptill.  Ladies from many different churches gather weekly at Sharron’s home.  We promote and support this eclectic gathering but cannot claim exclusive ownership.  It is ours only so much sit is hosted by one of our ladies.  We heartily recommend it to people from any or no-particular church.  For more information, contact Sharron or the church office at 662-8454.


Tuesday PM Men’s Group

Perley Green has been giving stellar leadership to this group of men who meet on Tuesday evenings, 7:00pm at the home of Carl Cheney.  The current study on the Person and the Role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer represents a critical understanding for Jesus followers.  It is open to any and all, churched or unchurched.  There is absolutely no expectation that people who attend our small groups should feel obligated to come to CLC on Sundays.  Our desire it to bless our community, inside and outside of the church walls.

Coming Soon!

At CLC, we believe that community is enhanced in relationship with one another.  Sunday gatherings alone cannot possibly meet the need that we have interact together in meaningful ways that enhance our spiritual growth and development.  We are serious enough about this that we are pleased if the only contact that people have with Christian community, is found in the experience of a small group of friends who do life together.

Early in 2016, we will begin an early morning coffee gathering at the church and a group for men that will be more activity based.  The group will meet once a month.  More details to come.  Also, Elaine Ingersoll will be doing a ladies group based on the book “Captivating” by John & Stasi Eldridge.  Stay tuned.

We would encourage you to consider a small group as a part of your weekly schedule.  There may be others who have interest in leading or hosting a group.  If there is any way that we can serve you in this regard, please fill out the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Small Group Contact Form

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