Like most of us, I think, Christmas becomes increasingly more about family as we age.  It is a time where every demographic is celebrated around the table.  We don’t have a special serving for children, Seniors or youth.  There is something sacred about the generations that assemble and irreplaceable memories are made at those times.

I think church is at its best when we are more like family and less like an organization.

Our Christmas Eve Candlelight service will begin at 6:00pm.  We are aiming for 45 minutes together to be grateful for heaven’s greatest gift of love, come to earth as a helpless baby … Immanuel, God still with us today.  This will be in lieu of our normal Sunday morning gathering.

My heart is full in this season.  For some it will mark the first Christmas with out a loved one.  For others there may be memories that dampen the spirit rather than enliven it.  We understand and honour whatever you bring on Christmas Eve with prayer that God would be most present in our midst and in each of our homes this holiday season.

Hope to see you on Christmas Eve.

Pastor Karl