I greatly appreciate the Roundtables.

We met last evening with an open agenda and relaxed conversation. The potluck was a great primer. Don’t ever feel guilty for not coming. Most of us could stand to slow down and thin our schedules a bit. Every once in a while, when the time seems right, join us.

Three great ideas emerged from the evening. I won’t outline those in this post just now. The point is to reaffirm that this meeting is an effort to listen to God through what each of us are experiencing, discerning, etc. One idea in particular was a compilation of thoughts that a couple of us have been mulling over separately.

We talk a lot about following God but it seems that default mode is to lead Him. Our good intentions produce good ideas … we get excited and we are off to the races. Many times we exhaust ourselves and our resources trying to “do something” for God rather than seeking to participate in what He is already doing.

To follow is where the adventure lies and where we are invigorated rather than depleted. We each decide whether Christ is the Head of His Church or the figurehead. If He is the latter then we are the ones who are usurping His place and perpetuating an impotent organization.

I beg you my brothers and sisters. Let’s find the inestimable value of true follower-ship.
