On a Stormy Sunday …
I remember watching Sunday storm cancellations in the winter of 2015, specifically on Grand Manan. Sunday after Sunday, services were cancelled. It was a storm experience that should give you all bragging rights for the next 40 years or so. You’ll talk about that winter to your grand and great grandchildren.
You survived it. Well done.
In the event that we have to cancel this year, we will do the following:
- Notify you by talk mail. If you are not on our list, see Carolyn Cook.
- Post the cancelation on the front page of the website and Facebook
- A separate post on the website … there is a spot on the site for you to subscribe to church posts so that they will come directly to your email inbox.
- Drum roll please … I’ll provide a link on Facebook and the website posts so that you can watch church from your home. I’ll broadcast a service of sorts from my own home in the hood and you can join in. You are anxious to see that aren’t you? We might tomorrow. I’ll begin the broadcast at 11:00am and it will last for 30-45 minutes. You can watch for as long or as little as you wish and make your toast while I am preaching or singing. If you don’t have the internet find out who your closest neighbour is, who does have a connection and join them there. (I just added a page on our site (Ustream)
It will be a fun experiment that we will become more proficient at the more we use this utility. Thanks in advance for your patience as we try this stormy approach.
Thanks Lifers …
Two Things …
I was on my way to the Roundtable this evening when I received a call from the hospital. My mother had been involved in a two-car collision near Immanuel Family Church. She was okay and asked if I could come there to be with her. Carl Cheney turned the lights on at the church and informed those gathering that I was not likely to be there. I would have to thank God for protecting my mother and the other driver. Things could have been much different. After she was thoroughly checked, Dr. Webb her and I took her home. Many thanks to all who helped her. She was very well cared for. I left her around 8:45p and headed home.
I have a need that I would like to make known. Loreena Wilcox’s daughter, Aubee (3 yrs old), is in need of transportation for therapy from January 9-13. Her Mom is having surgery and will be unable to drive her during this time. She lives in Grand Harbor and needs to be at Immanuel for 8:45am and picked up to go home at 12:15pm.
Perhaps you could be available for a drive or two. If you are willing to help, could you email me at karl.ingersoll@gmail.com or call my cell phone, 222-0410. This is a wonderful opportunity to bless a family in need.
Pastor Karl
Reminder …
It is a beautiful wet January morning on Grand Manan. Today is the day when Carolyn and Company will “un-decorate” the church. They plan to meet at 1:00pm and need as many hands on deck as possible. If you have a free hour or two, your help would be so much appreciated.
As far as details go, contact Carolyn and she can give you any further information. Thanks in advance for your help.
Our Christmas Best

Like most of us, I think, Christmas becomes increasingly more about family as we age. It is a time where every demographic is celebrated around the table. We don’t have a special serving for children, Seniors or youth. There is something sacred about the generations that assemble and irreplaceable memories are made at those times.
I think church is at its best when we are more like family and less like an organization.
Our Christmas Eve Candlelight service will begin at 6:00pm. We are aiming for 45 minutes together to be grateful for heaven’s greatest gift of love, come to earth as a helpless baby … Immanuel, God still with us today. This will be in lieu of our normal Sunday morning gathering.
My heart is full in this season. For some it will mark the first Christmas with out a loved one. For others there may be memories that dampen the spirit rather than enliven it. We understand and honour whatever you bring on Christmas Eve with prayer that God would be most present in our midst and in each of our homes this holiday season.
Hope to see you on Christmas Eve.
Pastor Karl
Ladies Bible Study Cancelled
Ladies Bible Study at Community Life Church is cancelled this morning due to the storm. Stay home, be safe and blessed. See you next week.