Good Thursday afternoon folks. I am in my office this afternoon feeling simultaneously grateful and brain dead. Sometimes sermons are a matter of inspiration and others a matter of perspiration. That’s what is occupying my thoughts today and I am having difficulty generating anything that I personally would rush to church to hear. Fortunately I do not preach alone. I am hoping I feel better when I stand before you on Sunday than I do just now.
There are a few things that I’d like to highlight.
Next week we are decorating the church. This falls most of the time to those who have done it faithfully over the years. They need help. On Monday afternoon, the decorations which are stored in the church basement, need to be brought up to the sanctuary. I’ll begin this task around 1:30pm in case any of you have energy that you’d like to burn off.
The decorating will begin at 10:00am on Tuesday the 29th. This is a big job. One of the most challenging aspects of this is the tree decoration. We can make short work of it with enough hands.
Sonya Tate is doing some “tile painting” on Tuesday evening. She has a limited number of tiles. Please let her know if you are interested in giving this a try. I believe that some of these may find their way into our Christmas baskets … ?
Our Roundtable next Thursday evening (December 1, 7:00pm) will be given to assembling seven Christmas baskets. At the last Roundtable we decided to reach out to specific people in need and identified seven local families or individuals. We would love to have you join us for this task and a great time of fellowship at Roundtable. If you have anything that you would like to donate for these baskets, we would be happy to receive money, crafts, … anything that you would offer as encouragement to these families. Our thoughts were that we would love to fill the baskets with items that were uniquely CLC. In the future we hope to continue this tradition discovering the hidden gifts and talents of our church folk and passing them along at a very special time of year. If you have questions regarding inclusions in these baskets, you can comment on this post or email me at
A reminder that we will be having a Christmas Eve service this year in lieu of a Sunday gathering since Christmas falls on a Sunday.
I have this haunting feeling that I am forgetting something just now but I’ll wrap up anyway. Please pray for our community at this time of
year. We should be able to experience the “Good news of great joy which shall be to ALL people“. I desperately want this myself in a new and fresh way. One way or the other I will walk through it by faith and gratitude but I know that God would have more of Himself for each of us if we would seek Him first and foremost.
Let’s give it a shot!